Decided to preorder some DVDs. Since my credit card will only be charged when they ship, I'll be safe for a bit. And the titles are...
Monsters Inc, Waking Life, From Hell - Director's Cut, Memento - Limited Edition; threw in a copy of the Coen Brothers Blood Simple. I realised there's not enough fun stuff in my collection. Everything seems so 'heavy', except possibly for Samurai Jack. Ok there's some of the Billy Wilder stuff like The Seven Year Itch that I need to sit down and watch. (And no, I'm not going to be sitting in front of my TV watching those if I DON'T get to go to the US.)
The more I think about it, the more it seems likely the agency has screwed up. Why would the Embassy want to keep my passport for so long? I'd just like to know if I got the fucking Visa. If no just return the freaking passport. I was really looking forward to the trip now it just seems less and less likely to happen. I should have called the US embassy last week to find out what was going on. Damn travel agent.
Listening to: Maria Callas - The Marriage of Figaro